Mark Brewer, LLC - Corporate, Leadership and Life Coaching and Development

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Who Am I?

Over the past few years, I have become more interested in my ancestry and where I come from.  I’ve created a family tree in and have traced some family members back to the 1700’s!

My ancestry.  My lineage. My heritage.  My genetics.

I am a compilation of all their DNA!  And so are you!

The two pictures are of the monuments on my great grandparents' graves from both my father’s side (Sikso) and my mother’s side (Marino).  Of the 4 of them, 3 of them died before I was born. Yet, I’ve heard many stories about them, how they lived, what they did, how they loved.

My DNA includes their DNA.  And yet, I can forget about this. I can limit who I see in the mirror by how I look that day and by what I do.  I rarely think about who I am, especially in relationship to my ancestors.

Maybe I have my great grandmother’s eye color.  Or maybe I have my great grandfather’s hands. I don’t know.  However, I wonder if I also have some other things of theirs:

  • Their faith?

  • Their motivation to be someone?

  • Their desire to cook and bake for family and friends?

  • Their love for family and friends?

  • Their drive to make the world a better place?

  • Their ability to make people laugh?

  • Their love to make people feel comfortable and safe with them?

Do you ever think about possessing these qualities of your ancestors?  My suspicion is that not many of us do. Yet, I wonder if these parts of their DNA are within us as well, and not just the physical resemblances?

I thought of these as I took the pictures of their graves recently.  What of them do I possess today that I am called to manifest in this world of ours?

What would it be like to think of ourselves not just as a composite of our parents, but also a combination of a whole history of our family?  From our eye color to the way we laugh! From our height to the love we carry for family! I believe all of it comes from them, both their fulfilled and unfulfilled desires, aspirations, and traits.  We are them.

Think of this today as you look at yourself in the mirror.  Who are you a reflection of? I’m guessing you might see a long line of family behind you.