BOLD Living! Rule #3

BOLD Living! Rule #3

BOLD people embrace challenges!

We do! We don’t back down. We don’t turn away. We face them head on.


Because BOLD people understand that authentic self-expression and self-actualization each require continual challenge. BOLD people are ready for whatever comes their way because they truly believe they can rise to any occasion. This enables profound pleasure, and even playfulness, during the process of uncertain and uncomfortable growth. Growth requires being uncomfortable and maybe even in pain.

Wouldn’t you like to have some pleasure and endorphins going on while in the midst of being uncomfortable?

Where are we being challenged right now to grow and be BOLD?

FEAR = Face Everthing And Rise


FEAR = Forget Everthing And Run

It’s your choice.

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BOLD Living! Rule #4

BOLD Living! Rule #4

BOLD Living! Rule #2

BOLD Living! Rule #2