

This morning, while streaming our church service, the deacon talked about the number of storage units that have popped up in the part of Florida where he and his wife stay when they are there.

It made me think about how many of us have storage units? There are all kinds of reasons for storage units. Here is a quick list of the top 7 reasons:

  1. Renovating Your Existing Home

  2. Moving to a New Home

  3. Changes in Relationship Status

  4. A Safe Place for Equipment or Vehicles

  5. You’re Often in Transit

  6. Storing Business Inventory or Archives

  7. Simply Running Out of Space

I want to move this reflection to our internal storage, the parts within us where we store all kinds of things.

Think about storage. They are things that are necessarily needed at a moments notice. They are things that we just can’t make a decision about whether to keep or dispose of. They are things that just need a holding place while we are living the rest of our lives.

What about those internal storage units? What do they hold? Here are my top 7 things that are in my storage unit:

  1. Fear

  2. Unforgiveness

  3. Regret

  4. What others might be thinking about me

  5. Confidence (lack of)

  6. Disappointment (to others and myself)

  7. Shitty stories that I tell myself

I’ve rented this unit for a very long time. And, quite honestly, it has been a waste of my “money” and time. The toll on my emotional energy is exhausting. From what I have read above, most people have storage units temporarily. Mine seems to have been erected permanently.

What can I do to terminate this rental unit???

Well, from my life journey of moving from church community to church community, to apartment, to a home, I have always tried to make the job of moving as easy as possible. To lighten to load, so to speak. I will go through things that are in boxes, in storage, in attics, and make a determination.

  • Does this really need to move with me or can I let it go?

  • Have I even touched/used this since I have lived here?

  • When I have used it, did it bring me joy or pleasure?

  • Does it hold any value for me moving forward?

That last question is a clincher for me. Those 7 items in my storage unit hold no value for me. In fact, they’ve never held any value. Yet, I have given them value and presence in my life.

It’s time to let go of them by cleaning out the storage unit of my head/mind and throw them away. Quite honestly, they are garbage that has taken up residence and has made it a place that stinks! It’s time for garbage bags and dumpsters!

Spring Cleaning is a time for this work! What will you do this Spring to clean out your storage unit of useless things? What are your 7 items in your storage unit?

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