Trasna - Crossroads in our lives

Trasna - Crossroads in our lives

As I was cleaning out a drawer in my office today, I came across this poem by Sr. Raphael Consedine. It is called “Trasna.” When we are at a crossroad, we have a choice. We can either go back to what we know. Or, we can move forward into the unknown. Which will you choose? I’m choosing the unknown.

The pilgrims paused on the ancient stones

In the mountain gap.

Behind them stretched the roadway they had traveled.

Ahead, mist hid the track.

Unspoken the question hovered:

Why go on? Is life not short enough?

Why seek to pierce its mystery?

Why venture further on strange paths, risking all?

Surely that is the gamble for fools, or lovers.

Why not return quietly to the known road?

Why be a pilgrim still?

A voice they knew called to them, saying:

This is Trasna, the crossing place.

Choose! Go back if you must,

You will find your way easily by yesterday’s fires,

there may be life in the embers yet.

If that is not your deep desire,

Stand still. Lay down your load.

Take your life firmly in your two hands,

(Gently…you are trusted with something precious)

While you search your heart’s yearnings:

What am I seeking? What is my quest?

When your star rises deep within,

Trust yourself to its leading.

You will have the light for first steps.

This is Trasna, the crossing place.


This Trasna, the crossing place.


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Mike Ray