
/inˈteɡrədē/ noun

  1. the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

  2. the state of being whole and undivided.

Integrity comes from the Latin integritatem, “soundness, wholeness, completeness,” which comes from integer, “whole.”


Welcome! I’m Mark Brewer.

Integrity Coach

For me, Integrity means wholeness, completeness.

It is one of my 5 top values (along with Courage, Creativity, Connection, and Compassion).

I strive to be whole and integrated as a human being and professional coach.

I make wholeness a mission for everything that I do.

I give teams and individuals the activities and the space to become unified, cohesive, whole, integrated.

Integrity is what I bring into the world.


Out with the OLD…

  • Distrust

  • Poor Communication

  • No Consensus

  • Negativity

  • No Responsibility

  • Lack of Cohesion


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In with the BOLD!

  • Trust

  • Honest Communication

  • Cooperation

  • Positivity

  • Responsibility

  • Alignment



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Did you know that Emotional Intelligence contributes to greater success as a LEADER - at work AND in your personal life??!!

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An Emotional Intelligence assessment for the workplace with feedback from those around you!


The ELI assessment gauges how a person approaches and reacts to different circumstances and experiences by producing a combined numerical value of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical energy.


The Influence Style Indicator™ (ISI™) is an assessment instrument designed to understand an individual’s preferred style as they influence others. Influence is an important quality for any leader!

Helping teams and individuals be more whole with…

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