Emotional Intelligence

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What is Emotional Intelligence (EQ)?

According to Steven Stein, author of The EQ Edge, emotional intelligence is defined as "a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges, and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.”

EQ is not:

  • Cognitive Intelligence (IQ) 

  • A skill assessment

  • Based on achievement  

  • A vocational interest

  • Personal or vocational compatibility

  • A personality assessment 

So, now you are asking what is emotional Intelligence, right? 

EQ is:

  • Relates to the potential for top performance—not performance itself

  • Is comprised of 16 elements which top leaders possess and use

  • And EQ can be altered over time (unlike IQ)

Emotional Intelligence Assessment

Leadership Report: A self-report used when assessing leaders within an organizaiton.

Workplace Report: A self-report used when assessing anyone within the workplace.

Articles on Emotional Intelligence





Emotional Intelligence 360

Leadership Report: A multi-rater report that also helps you view your scores through a leadership lens.

Workplace Report: A multi-rater report with in-depth analysis specific to a workplace context.